Planning a Game Night? Here are Some Game Ideas

Everyone has their favorite games. Some people like to play board games or video games, while others prefer card and dice games. And if you’re looking for a way to entertain friends and family at your next party, there are plenty of options that will suit any group size and event type. So whether you need an activity for a small get-together or something more interactive for a larger crowd, this list will help you find the perfect game!


Scrabble is a classic game that everybody seems to enjoy. It mixes the perfect amount of strategy and luck, which keeps things entertaining for everybody. If you’re having trouble deciding on a game, or if your game night is getting stale, this classic game is sure to spice things up! 

Keep in mind that you can also play Scrabble online if you don’t have any friends over. If it happens that you’re having a hard time coming up with words, you can always go with a dictionary, or online tools like to help you find the words. This can be called cheating, but as long as you don’t use it to your advantage every time, it can be a fun way to help get the game going.


If you’re looking for a classic game that will keep everybody entertained for hours on end, Monopoly is the perfect option. This game is best played with a large group, so it’s perfect for game nights. There are so many different versions of Monopoly that you can choose from, so it’s easy to find one that will fit the theme of your party.

Also, if you’re looking for a way to make the game more interesting, why not add some house rules? This can help keep the game exciting and prevent it from dragging on for too long.


This game is always a hit at game night. It’s perfect for those who like to get a little bit creative, and it’s always entertaining to see what everybody comes up with. Plus, it’s a great way to get to know your friends a little bit better. 

For those that are unfamiliar with the game, Pictionary is a drawing game that is played by teams or individuals. Each team or person draws a picture so their teammates can guess what it is as quickly as possible. The player who guesses the most words correctly wins!

There are a few different ways you can play Pictionary. You can either play with teams, or you can have everybody playing against each other. You can also choose how long each round lasts, and how many guesses each player gets. This ensures that the game is suitable for everybody.

Apples to Apples

This popular party card game is always a hit at any gathering. Everybody from your friends and family members all the way up to your grandparents has probably heard of this one before, making it a perfect option for everybody! 

In this party card game, there will be a judge whose job it is to pick the best phrase out of all of them based on certain criteria that they set beforehand. The rest of the players then have to choose which answer they think is best out of all the answers that are given. Once everybody has chosen, the judge will award the best answer with a point. The person with the most points at the end of the round wins!

This game is great for individuals or teams to play in order to make it more interesting. If you’re playing with a team, there are also different ways to play this game. You can either have one player choosing cards while everybody else chooses answers together, or you can have each person choose their own card and then compare answers after. This ensures that everybody is happy when playing this fun party card game.


If you are looking for a board game that will keep your friends entertained enough so they want to come back again soon, Catan is the perfect option! The best thing about this game is that everybody can take turns at their own pace, so players of all skill levels are welcome to join in.


In Catan, the point of the game is to build settlements and cities on a board made up of hexagonal tiles using dice rolls. Different combinations will result in different things happening, so it’s important to strategize and plan ahead. The first player to achieve 10 points (or any other set amount) wins the game! 


This board game is perfect for those who love a good challenge. It can be a little bit complicated to learn at first, but it’s well worth it in the end. If you’re looking for a game that will keep you and your friends entertained for hours, Catan is the perfect option!

Cards Against Humanity

Everybody has probably played Cards Against Humanity at least once in their life, but it is just as fun if not more when played with a big group of friends! The rules are simple – one person picks up a black card and reads it aloud while everybody else chooses the white card they think is best. Once everybody has chosen, the funniest or most offensive card of all will win!

In this hilarious card game, it is typically a good idea to plan ahead and strategize with your friends. To make things more interesting, you can choose to do house rules that change up how the gameplay works! These options allow players to focus on different things, whether it be trying to get the most laughs or simply playing to win. 

No matter what, Cards Against Humanity is always a blast – especially when played with a big group of friends!

When it comes to planning a game night, you can’t go wrong with any of these fun and entertaining games! Whether you’re looking for something that’s easy to learn or more challenging, there is an option out there for everyone.  If all else fails, Cards Against Humanity is always a good time – just make sure your guests are ready for some laughs as they play this hilarious party card game together.

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