Best Free SEO Tools You Should Give a Try

If you are a website owner, probably you often think about how to increase your website traffic. Either it is a commercial website or a hobby blog, what makes being a website owner fun is to get in touch with as many people as possible. At this point you might have already heard Search Engine Optimization.  

In case you haven’t yet, SEO is basically the process of improving a website’s visibility on search engines to attract more users. This process includes various techniques and methods, and you can use different tools such as website ranking checker tools. The good news is you do not always have to pay for such services. The sources are vast; however, in this article, we have listed some of the best free SEO tools you can use in order to enhance your website ranking. 

Here are 10 best free SEO tools you can choose from. Let’s get started:

  1. Semrush:

Despite being partially free, Semrush offers wonderful features for free, and it is among the best free SEO tools you can use. With its Keyword Magic Tool feature, you can enter a keyword and after selecting your region, Semrush provides you with a list of related keywords you can use. Free account allows you to pull 10 attempts in a day. 

Additionally, you also have access to features such as the listing management tool, SEO content templates, the SEO writing assistant, the keyword overview tool, the on-page SEO checker, etc. 

  1. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

With Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, you can easily find out what keywords you are ranking for. Also, it is among the best free SEO tools to check your website’s SEO health to optimize it. It does not just allow you to see the problems, it also shows how to fix them. 

  1. Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator

Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator claims to “find thousands of keyword ideas in seconds”. After entering any seed keyword, the tool lists the top 100 keyword ideas you can benefit from. In addition to 100 keyword ideas, you can also see top 50 related questions list. Apart from Google, the tool sorts out the keyword list based on other important search engines such as Bing, YouTube, and Amazon. 

  1. Answer the Public

You can use this tool as a keyword rank checker. Answer the Public gathers the question asked on blogs, forums, and social media platforms and then turn those questions into brilliant keywords!

  1. Google Keyword Planner

What basically distinguishes this tool from others is that GKP is from Google itself; therefore, the data it provides is believed to be the most accurate although it is questionable for some people. 

Google Keyword Planner provides you with the relevant keyword ideas based on semantics, which differentiates it from other keyword tools. 

  1. AlsoAsked 

When you search for a question on Google, you usually see a SERP feature known as People Also Ask (PAA). 

PAA provides you with the question ideas you might want to cover in your article based on your subject, showing you other relevant questions people might search for. 

  1. Animals Revive

It is to be kept in mind that SEO methods are dynamic just as technology. Therefore, rank checker tools are not enough by itself when it comes to maintain a high ranking. 

Your older content could be outdated throughout time and Animals Revive lets you find your older content requiring for an update, which -otherwise- might end up in a lower rank, leading a decrease in traffic. 

  1. Google Lighthouse

If you need a detailed and decent report about your website’s SEO performance, Google Lighthouse is among the best free SEO tools for you. In addition to a detailed performance report, it gives you some tips on how to improve it. Besides, you can use it as an extension, which is quite practical.

  1. Exploding Topics

What if you get the chance to be among the first writing about a newborn trend topic? Well, thanks to Exploding Topics, the chances are likely you become a pioneer. Exploding Topics lists the topics starting to trend and what’s left for you is just to write about them!

  1. Google Trends 

Through Google Trends, you can search trends and words from all around the world. You can see the popularity of a topic or a word over time. It also shows you which topic is rising in popularity, and which is currently the trend topic. It is undoubtedly among the best free SEO tools

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