The cannabis plant contains over 80 different cannabinoids, according to research. It produces more than 300 chemicals that are not cannabinoids, which highlights just how far we have yet to explore medical marijuana. 

How do Cannabinoids work?

According to cannabis experts from Homegrown Cannabis Co., a cannabinoid refers to any substance that joins the cannabinoid receptors of the brain and body, regardless of its structure.

CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) are two of the cannabis plant’s naturally occurring cannabinoids. CBD has been shown to moderate THC’s psychoactive effects, so they offer a more relaxing experience when combined with THC. On its own, CBD does not produce a high. This hormone is thought to interact with other hormones in the body that affect health and happiness.

Learning About Our Endocannabinoid System

Walking miracles are in the human body! There are so many things we do every day, from walking to breathing to sleeping to feel. While all these responsibilities are essential, one particular system plays a crucial role in balancing them all. Endocannabinoids work in the same way as cannabis does. This system just so happens to be used to process marijuana. 

So, What Does Our Endocannabinoid System Do?

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) maintains homeostasis, which means keeping the stability and constancy necessary for our bodies to function normally. By maintaining the balance needed for daily living, the network of receptors within our cells ensures that our internal processes remain stable. 

The ECS mainly consists of endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes responsible for regulating a number of functions in humans, including sleep, mood, memory, appetite, reproduction, and pain perception. 

Endocannabinoids, which are similar to the active ingredients in marijuana, are produced by the human body.

Our CB1 receptors are another critical component of the ECS. Cannabis produces its intoxicating effects by interacting directly with neurotransmitters, primarily located in the brain and nervous system. 

The gastrointestinal tract and the immune system contain sister elements in the CB2 family. They are distributed throughout the body, in any case.  

Does it Take Two to Make a Thing Go Right?

In synergistic combination, the cannabinoids produce even more significant therapeutic effects than they would individually. 

THC and CBD work together because of this exact reason. The anti-anxiety and anti-paranoia effects of CBD are thought to help those with adverse side effects associated with THC.

CBD and THC, by their chemical makeup and shape, are very different from each other. 

CB1 receptors, or CBD receptors, actually prevent THC from binding to them in a first-come-first-serve capacity when CBD binds to them. CBD is known for its relaxing effects, which can take place when products containing THC are reduced. 

How To Find Your Ideal Ratio

Despite the fact that tolerance to these cannabinoids differs between patients, starting low and piling on gradually until you determine what works for you is always the wisest course of action.

Many patients opt for product ratios that are high in CBD and low in THC so they can reap the benefits of cannabis without experiencing any side effects. This practice is called micro-dosing. 

Those looking to maintain a clear head while getting the much-needed relief from chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and other symptoms may prefer products high in CBD and low in THC. To achieve these desired effects, you should inquire at your local dispensary about specific strains and products. 

What Is The Role Of Cannabis?

Because of its cannabinoids like THC and CBD, cannabis is able to offer a variety of medicinal benefits. This group of elements naturally interacts with our body’s endocannabinoids to influence our overall health, mental focus, and well-being.   

Inhaling THC, vaporizing it, taking a sublingual tincture, or eating edibles, THC binds to ECS receptors in the body. The CB1 and CB2 receptors are able to bind to THC, but CBD does not have the same affinity. It is for this reason that CBD is not intoxicating. Besides preventing THC from activating CB1 receptors, it can reduce the adverse side effects of THC. Visit for more info.

As a whole, cannabis is a testament to the miracle of a plant that mimics our body’s naturally occurring and life-dependent elements, as well as a testament to biology. 

What A Concept! 

In fact, your own body makes many compounds similar to THC and CBD. However, one thing is clear: there is still so much more to be learned about the Endocannabinoid System, which experts discovered in the early 90s.

You can learn more about it at CBD SCHOOL.

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