Personality Disorders And Addiction: Traits You Need To Look Out For In A Loved One

Do you know the signs of a personality disorder or addiction? It is important to be aware of these in order to properly take care of your loved ones. This article will discuss recognizing traits that point to a disordered personality and how to cope with addiction in someone close to you.

Difficulty With Relationships 

People with personality disorders usually have no disregard for other people around them which ultimately destroys relationships they’ve built. The combination of narcissism and addiction breaks down relationships because the person keen on substance abuse feels that he or she is entitled to have whatever they want, whenever they desire it. This changes the dynamics of their relationship and ultimately hurts them in the long run.

Individuals who are suffering from narcissism believe that everything revolves around themselves which makes having a relationship difficult for others involved. Narcissistic traits include an exaggerated sense of self-importance as well as a lack of empathy for other people’s feelings and ideas. In addition, those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder tend to need constant attention which can be easily misconstrued by loved ones as being demanding or needy. 

Changes In Moods 

Personality disorders are usually followed by changes in moods. Some of these may be normal for a person, but if it starts to happen more frequently or changes drastically then you should look out for the symptoms of personality disorder being followed by addiction. Some changes that are not normal include:


  • very happy one moment and depressed the next
  • irritable/aggressive towards loved ones who have done nothing wrong
  • changes in eating habits
  • changes in sleeping patterns 
  • changes in concentration/decision-making skills, for example being unable to concentrate on anything or making decisions that are not thought through
  • talking about suicide a lot, or expressing wishes to be dead 


These are just some examples of changes in emotions when it comes to personality disorders. If you notice these changes happening with your loved one, make sure they go see their doctor immediately so they can receive proper treatment. 

Sudden Emotional Changes 

These people often suddenly change how they feel about something or someone with little or no warning. This might manifest as sudden anger, sadness, or happiness. They may also go from being very talkative one moment to completely silent the next. This can be extremely confusing and frustrating for those around them. It can also make it difficult to form a trusting relationship with them. If you’re worried that your loved one may have a personality disorder or addiction, keep an eye out for these sudden emotional changes.


If you are noticing any of these signs in your loved ones then don’t hesitate to reach out for help! 

Unusual Behaviors

When you notice that your loved one acts in unusual ways or changes their behavior, it is important to take note. Personality disorders and addiction can both exhibit certain traits that can be warning signs for a potential problem. Some of the behaviors you may want to watch out for include:


If they weren’t before, they can become more irritable, angry, or volatile and start hiding their activities. They could either gain a lot of weight or lose it in a short amount of time. They are also not interested in personal hygiene anymore.


If you are seeing any of these red flags in your loved one, it is important to reach out for assistance. 


When disorder and addiction start getting out of hand, the person won’t be as rational as they once were. They may start making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences or what others think of them. This impulsivity can be a signifier of an underlying disorder and should not be taken lightly. 


If you’re seeing these changes in your loved ones, it’s important to get them help as soon as possible. Impulsivity is also a common trait among addicts, so it’s important to watch out for any sudden changes in behavior or patterns. Sudden changes could mean that their addiction has progressed and they need immediate assistance.

Social Isolation

These people tend to be alone and not share social circles. They may prefer social interaction but not be able to form deep relationships, preferring instead superficial ones where they can maintain their social isolation and avoid intimacy.


People with personality disorders who also have substance abuse issues are commonly associated with drug or alcohol addiction. These people tend to be introverted types whose social circle often revolves around other addicts in recovery groups at rehab centers for example. Social isolation is common among these individuals as it reduces the risk of them being influenced by those who do not wish them well such as friends from a former life before treatment. 


Personality disorders and addiction are very bad when they mix so you need to realize what traits will indicate this change. People like these have difficulties with relationships and have sudden outbursts changing moods and how they feel about things. You’ll also notice behavior that you haven’t seen before with them and impulsivity always wins over rational thinking. Finally, you will probably notice these people isolating themselves from friends and family which could indicate that it’s time to help them!

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