2 Super Important Questions You Should Ask When Hiring a Lawyer

Is it time to lawyer up?

There are many reasons you’d want to hire a lawyer. Perhaps you’re facing a civil or criminal lawsuit, which is the worst-case scenario for most people. You can always hire a lawyer for a reason that doesn’t have anything to do with the justice system. Maybe you need legal advice on a certain matter.

Regardless of your reasons for wanting to lawyer up, you want to ensure you’re hiring a lawyer who’s up to the task. To do this, you need to interview the lawyers on your shortlist.

Read on for a list of key questions to ask a lawyer before hiring them.

What’s Your Area of Specialization?

There are several fields of law, such as business, entertainment, environmental, tax, and real estate. Most lawyers typically specialize in one field but it’s not uncommon to find general lawyers.

Depending on the reason you want a lawyer, you can do with a general lawyer. For example, if you need the opinion of a lawyer on a general legal issue, a generalist can help you. However, if you’re facing a more specific issue, you need a specialized lawyer.

As such, you want to establish a lawyer’s field of specialization before you move forward. If you’re facing a property issue, for example, you strictly need a property lawyer. Don’t waste your time with an attorney who specializes in immigration.

And, don’t just take their word for it. Take steps to verify that the lawyer indeed specializes in that area of law. Visit their practice website and establish whether they specialize in that field, for instance.

Are You Licensed to Practice in This State?

All lawyers are required to obtain a license to practice in their state. A lawyer who wants to practice in multiple states must obtain separate licenses to practice in those states unless there’s a cross-state agreement allowing lawyers licensed in one state to practice in another without obtaining a new license.

You want to ensure that you’re working with a properly licensed lawyer. It’s easy to verify the licensing information they give you. Just go to the State Bar website and check.

In most cases, you’ll want an attorney who’s licensed to practice in your state, but there are instances you might want an attorney licensed to practice in another state.

For example, if you’re a New York resident but you were involved in a car accident in Virginia, you might need to pursue a case in the state if a Virginia resident was at fault for the accident. In this case, you’ll want to hire an attorney who’s licensed to practice in Virginia.

These aren’t the only questions to ask. Sweet Lawyers have a list of other questions you should also ask.

Hiring a Lawyer Shouldn’t Be a Quick Decision

Hiring a lawyer costs money. To get more bang for your buck, you want to ensure you’re choosing an attorney who’s right for the job. These two key questions will help you set the ball rolling in the right direction, but there are more questions to ask.

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