The Complete Guide That Makes Choosing a Managed IT Company Simple

The United States managed service market could grow by a CAGR of 6.3% between 2020 and 2025. More businesses are choosing to outsource cybersecurity and tech services to a managed IT provider. With a managed IT service, you could reduce your IT costs by 25 to 45%.

You could increase your company’s operational efficiency by as much as 65%, too. 

Not sure which managed IT company to hire? Here are 10 tips that can help streamline your search. Using these tips will save you valuable time.

In mind, you can find the best managed IT company that provides enterprise network monitoring based on your company’s needs (and future).

Become a savvy small business owner! Find the best managed IT consulting team around with these tips today.
  1. Gather Referrals

If you want to save valuable time, don’t look for a managed IT provider alone. After all, you’re a busy small business owner! You need to focus that time and attention on your business and customers instead.

To save time, turn to your professional network. Talk to other small business owners if they use a managed IT service. If they do, determine who they hired and learn about their experience with the provider.

Consider drafting a list of questions you want to ask each small business owner. For example, you might want to ask:

  • Is the IT company professional and knowledgeable
  • What services do you request
  • Are you satisfied with the services you receive
  • How has the company benefited your business
  • Would you recommend I hire someone else

Consider asking if they’ve experienced any problems with their managed IT provider, too. If they have, determine if the IT company tried to resolve the issue. If the company didn’t make an effort to fix the problem, remove them from your list.

At the very least, you’ll know which companies to avoid. 

Make sure the company was able to accomplish the small business owner’s goals. Determine if they met the owner’s expectations, too. Your network could help you find an IT provider that strives to offer the best customer service.

Once you have a list of options to choose from, you can use the rest of these tips to narrow down your choices. 

  1. Consider Their Team

If your professional network can’t point you toward an IT provider, that’s okay. Start searching online instead. Make a list of at least five companies within the IT industry.

While you’re online, try to learn as much as you can about each business. For example, you might want to consider the size of each team.

How many IT specialists and technicians work for the company? It’s important to find a large enough team. Otherwise, they might struggle to help all their clients at once.

Consider the ratio between technicians and clients. If they don’t keep enough technicians on staff, you might experience downtime. When an IT problem occurs, you might have to wait for help.

The longer you wait, the more frustrated your customers and employees could become. Your customers might decide to take their business elsewhere. Meanwhile, your employees might want to work for another company.

Instead, try to find a managed IT company that equips a large team.

Determine if each technician covers a different area of expertise, too. For example, some specialists might focus on cybersecurity. Others might specialize in cloud computing services.

Try to find a well-rounded team. You could benefit more from different areas of experience and expertise. 

  1. Look for Experience

It’s not enough to find a company that employs a large team, though. After all, there are now over 844,600 computer support specialists in the US. Between 2020 and 2030, another 72,200 could enter the workforce. 

As you research each managed IT provider, try to find a team that has years of hands-on experience in the IT industry.

First, determine how long each company has run and operated. Make sure the company is well-established. These businesses have already worked out operational kinks that might impact your experience as a client.

A long-established business has likely withstood competing for IT businesses as well. Chances are, they’ve earned the trust and respect of their clients. You might feel more confident choosing an established business.

Learn more about the technicians on staff, too. How long have they worked within the IT industry? You’ll benefit more if your dedicated technician has years of experience. 

  1. Review Their Services

Consider your company’s goals for the year. For example, maybe you want to switch to a work-from-home model. Perhaps you want to improve brand trust with your clients.

You can choose different IT services based on your distinct goals.

For example, your team might benefit from cloud computing and file management services. Your team can begin accessing files from anywhere in the world. They’ll have an easier time switching between devices, too.

If you’re concerned about hackers, look into cybersecurity services. About 40% of cyberattacks target small businesses. Only 14% of businesses are ready to handle these risks and vulnerabilities, though. 

Your business might shut down if you neglect cybersecurity. 

Consult each managed IT provider on your list. Ask how they attend to accomplish your goals for the year. Determine which services they can offer that will accomplish your distinct goals. 

  1. Discuss Response Times

Remember, a larger IT team will have an easier time responding to clients right away. Ask each managed IT provider about their average response times. How long will you need to wait before you receive help?

Consider finding a company that offers 24-7 support services. You’ll never have to worry about your business shutting down. Instead, you can receive the help you need right away.

Finding an IT company that offers immediate responses can ensure your company’s success. 

  1. Consider Levels of Support

Different levels of IT support can include:

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Ask each managed IT service provider if they offer different levels of support. Otherwise, ask if you can customize your IT service plans. You can scale your plans up and down as needed to avoid overspending.

Otherwise, ask each company about its support process. For example, do they have an online platform you’ll use? How will you send them a support ticket?

Make sure their process is easy to understand and follow. Otherwise, hiring that managed IT provider might cause unnecessary stress down the road. They should offer support in a way that’s both easy and convenient. 

You can reach out to the team at to get started.

  1. Request a Dedicated Technician

Ask the managed IT company if you’ll work with the same technician each time you experience problems.

Working with a dedicated technician could help you avoid unnecessary stress down the road. You won’t have to explain the problems you’ve experienced in the past. The technician won’t have to review your IT package or the services you’ve requested previously.

Working with the same problem each time can streamline your entire process as a client. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you can always call your IT expert. 

Before hiring a company, determine who you’ll work with. Make sure to look into the specialist’s credentials. Make sure they’re trained and have years of experience in the IT industry.

You can feel more confident in their abilities to help your business if they have the proper qualifications. 

  1. Find Remote Management

You don’t need to waste time finding an IT provider in your local area anymore. Instead, ask the IT company if they offer remote management and monitoring services. 

These teams can access your system from anywhere in the globe. You won’t have to wait for a technician to arrive on-site. The moment you start experiencing IT problems, they can take a look through their systems.

Finding a company that offers remote management could help you avoid stress in the long run. These teams will have an easier time getting you up and running immediately. You can then avoid unnecessary downtime as a result. 

  1. Read Reviews

Before choosing a managed IT company, take the time to read client reviews.

Check the company’s Better Business Bureau and Google My Business reviews from their recent clients. Make sure the reviews aren’t more than a year old.

Reading client reviews can help you find a managed IT provider that already has a strong reputation. Their reputation can speak to their ability to accomplish your goals. Otherwise, you might find they don’t meet your expectations. 

  1. Compare Pricing

Before making your final choice, call at least three businesses on your list. Make sure they offer the services you’re looking for. Then, ask each company for an itemized list of their services.

Determine how they calculate pricing. Ask if they have an ala carte option, too.

Then, review your choices. Gathering more than one estimate will help you pinpoint the average cost for IT services. If someone’s pricing is too high, remove them from your list. 

The Search is On: 10 Tips for Finding the Best Managed IT Company

Choosing the best managed IT company around shouldn’t feel like a hassle. Instead, use these 10 tips to narrow down your options. With these tips, you can make a more informed choice. 

With the right managed IT, provider, you can set your business up for lasting growth.

Searching for more tips? You’ve come to the right place.

Explore our latest articles today for more advice. 

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