Social Entrepreneurship and Miki Agrawal: How TUSHY Was Founded

Developing a successful business is as much about your ideas as it is your execution. Finding the next great idea isn’t worth much if you can’t turn it into something physical and tangible. When Miki Agrawal attended and graduated from Cornell University in 2001 with her Bachelor’s in Business and Communication, her goal was simple: to get into the financial field by working with Deutsche Bank.

After a short time in the field, as well as the tragic events of 9/11, Agrawal realized that she wanted to do something more with her life, something that was more impactful and meaningful.

Road to TUSHY

It was during her time at Deutsche Bank that Agrawal came to realize the limitations of her current role. While she was good at her job, she wasn’t reaching people in the way that she had wanted. This meant that Miki had to change her direction to try something new.

Upon leaving the financial field, Agrawal would end up establishing a farm-to-table pizza spot known as Slice. The restaurant would find a comfortable home in New York City and two restaurants continue to thrive today under the name ‘Wild’.

Success in food allowed Agrawal to take risks, developing a line of sustainable undergarments for women during menstruation under the name THINX. The success of the brand as well as its socially conscious label would end up becoming the fuel that Agrawal would need to bring her most important venture to life.

Even though she was experienced and had several successful ventures under her belt, her best work was yet to come.

Establishing Tushy

It was after the success of WILD that Miki Agrawal was able to turn her attention toward something more meaningful and intimate to her life: the TUSHY bidet. Having struggled with personal ailments that would impact her bathroom habits, Agrawal and her husband would order a (broken) bidet on the internet. While the device did not work correctly, it gave the couple ideas on what they could do to help themselves.

Now, TUSHY is considered one of the top sustainable options in the marketplace for bidets in the United States. With almost one million customers since its inception, TUSHY continues to revolutionize the bathroom experience of most Americans in the wake of the toilet paper shortage early in the pandemic.

With TUSHY now a household name, and a new electric model on the way, Miki Agrawal is focused on her sustainability goals with Tushy. Right now, Agrawal has the goal of saving more than 15 million trees every single year while elevating human growth, health, and hygiene through her line of TUSHY bidets.

As far as what she would do differently in her career if she could make any changes, Agrawal has only one answer: “No regrets.”

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