PhD Dissertation – Rules and Recommendations

The introduction of the Ph.D. degree as an alternative to the Ph.D. degree entailed some changes, but not in the design of the thesis. In this matter, as it was all complicated, it remains.

This is in countries where the PhD system was originally used, the requirements for research papers are less stringent, and the main emphasis on protection is placed on usefulness and originality. Everything is stable with us – both form and content are important. In this article, we’ll talk about the form.

  1. PHD dissertation registration – general rules

The general rules for the preparation of doctoral dissertations are enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science. These are prerequisites for admission to protection. The basic requirements are as follows:

  • The volume is 6-8 author’s sheets. One such sheet is equivalent to 24 printed pages. In symbols, this is approximately 300 thousand. The size is approximate, since a lot depends on the theme and content.
  • The design uses a text editor Word with the font Times New Roman, size 14. The spacing is one and a half. Size in 12 typographic fonts is allowed only in the design of the table contents.
  • It is allowed to print the dissertation on one or two pages at will. This is what the rules say. But in practice, it is customary to print the material one-sided.
  • White paper of standard A4 size is used for printing. Sheet dimensions are 297 * 210 mm.
  • Margins must be observed in the following proportion: on the left – 20-25 mm, on the right – 10 mm, above and below – 20 mm each. More is possible, less is not.
  • It is recommended to use auto-table for headings.
  • Page and bibliography are numbered in Arabic numerals.
  • PhD thesis is prepared in the national language, optionally in English. In some cases, if the format of the topic and content requires it, another language can be used for translation
  1. Requirements for the structure and content of the PhD thesis

An applicant for a PhD degree must prepare a study according to the following criteria:

  • Based on international experience of the chosen field of knowledge. It is impossible to be limited only by the developments of one country.
  • Disclosure of the relevance of the topic in the context of the real situation in the world. For a simple example: no one is interested in videotapes for 20 years, although this topic was once the most popular. So with dissertations – do not live in the past, look at the future.
  • A combination of theoretical and practical parts. These are the two pillars of the dissertation foundation. The first reinforces the second and vice versa.
  • Matching theme and content.

The presence of specific recommendations that can be a solution to the problem, simplify the task, reveal some aspect from the other side.

Key in dissertations is the standard trio of criteria – practical relevance, scientific utility, and relevance. Monkey labor is not welcomed.

Correct design is impossible without observing the structure. Here I just want to remember the expression “everything is as old as the world.” Plan, introduction, chapters and subchapters, conclusion, literature, applications. Don’t forget about annotation. Moreover, it is important to pay special attention to it, with an emphasis on the analytical part.

Admission to the defense of a PhD thesis will be possible if there are three or more publications in scientific journals recommended by the Committee, in one international publication from the Thomson Reuters database, as well as three materials from international conferences, at least one of which must be foreign

  1. Bibliographic list – design life hacks

This structural element is considered the most difficult to design, given the large number of punctuation marks. DSTU 3008-95 standards serve as a guide and reference point. These are universal rules.

The recommended number of sources is 250-300 positions. A lot. For example, in the USA 100 positions are enough to defend a dissertation of a similar status. But, as they say, we have what we have.

The list is formed in the following sequence: regulatory legal acts in compliance with their hierarchy (Constitution, codes, laws, etc.), domestic sources, materials from foreign sources, data from electronic resources.

Within each subgroup, there is a division. The rules provide for the arrangement of titles and authors in three ways: in alphabetical order, in chronology, or in the degree of frequency of mention in the text. As you might guess, the first option is the most relevant. You can use a combined method.

A list of abbreviations may be needed as an additional structural element. This is a separate list with the decoding of symbols, abbreviations, abbreviations and terms used in the dissertation.

The main assistant in the preparation of a PhD thesis is experience. Let’s be frank, this kind of work is not often encountered. But not to the top dissertation writers. For many years we have been preparing to order reference scientific works of any complexity and we invite you to see for yourself.

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