Living with Cerebral Palsy: Five ways parents can support their child

As a parent, we never dream of anything but the best for our children. From conception, we try to give our kids the best life possible, where they don’t have to face any unnecessary inconvenience. 

However, at times, no matter how hard we try, we can’t prevent certain issues from occurring. Birth defects can easily be any parent’s worst nightmare and leave you feeling lost, hopeless and confused. 

The challenges with birth injuries are often chronic and require life-long care. Cerebral palsy is one such disorder that can be caused before, during, or after birth for various reasons. 

If your child is living with cerebral palsy, it doesn’t mean they don’t have a chance at a good life. There are several ways you can cope with the disorder and help your child live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life. 

If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading below. 

  • Work with the appropriate resources 

One of the most important things to do when you know your child has a cerebral palsy diagnosis is to get in touch with the appropriate resources. 

You will have many questions in the wake of this diagnosis, and it can be extremely challenging to make sense of the situation. 

However, without understanding the causes and the options open to you ahead, you won’t be able to help your child properly. 

One of the most important questions that require answering is whether or not preventable actions caused the disorder. 

Whereas cerebral palsy can sometimes be caused prenatally, it can be due to medical negligence. It can be due to issues during birth or neglect before labor. 

In either case, working with a trained lawyer can help you get the compensation and the accountability you deserve. A cerebral palsy lawyer is trained to look into all the factors surrounding your child’s condition and can help you decide whether litigation is the best route. 

Winning a cerebral palsy lawsuit can help you get the financial compensation necessary to provide the best care for your child. 

  • Care for their mental health 

Regarding neurodevelopmental disorders like cerebral palsy, much of the parent’s and the medical caregiver’s attention is focused on the physical aspect. 

Of course, the physical limitations of cerebral palsy can be immense and require a lot of attention. However, there are also several mental health aspects you need to focus on. 

Children of all ages with cerebral palsy can find it challenging to relate to their peers. They can feel left out when playing with their friends and engaging with children their age. 

With time, the mental strain from this can be immense and can cause depression, self-esteem issues, and anxiety. It’s important to keep an eye out for how your child is feeling. 

It’s important to give them space to express themselves freely and listen to their concerns. Children with cerebral palsy have much more experience growing up than normal kids, so it’s vital to cater to their mental health needs. 

  • Help them stay active

Many parents of children with cerebral palsy assume that their child’s condition means they can’t physically exert themselves. 

These parents may keep their children from any physical activity at all. However, this overprotectiveness can harm your child in the long run, as it can keep them from strengthening their muscles. 

Without strengthening their body and staying fit, your child’s physical issues can easily exacerbate. 

If your kids can walk, help them move about as much as possible. You can also play with them and help them stay as fit as possible. 

Moreover, there are cerebral palsy-specific training programs you can enroll your child in. These programs can cater to your child’s unique physical needs and help them keep their body in the best shape. 

With time, staying active can even help reduce their symptoms and can help them lead healthier lives. Moreover, playing and other activities can help your child lead a normal, fulfilling life. 

  • Stay organized 

When dealing with a child with a special condition, staying prepared and organized is important. 

Even if your child’s condition isn’t that bad, staying organized can help you, and your child has a much smoother experience. 

Having a set place to store all your medication, doctor’s notes, appointments, medical records, lab results, school information, and more can reduce stress in emergencies. 

Having everything set up and organized can be exceptionally useful if your child attends school or any other club. 

When other adults in charge have access to all the relevant information, they can relax about having a special needs child in the classroom and make the experience much better for your child. 

Additionally, in the case of any emergency, you won’t have to waste precious time by searching for emergency medication or equipment but will be able to give your child the immediate attention they’ll need. 

  • Keep them healthy 

As a physical condition, cerebral palsy can come with many challenges and needs, but it is vital to adapt to them to ensure your child lives the healthiest life. 

One of the biggest challenges children with cerebral palsy face, is a bad diet. Children with cerebral palsy often have motor issues and gastrointestinal problems, making mealtimes incredibly challenging. 

However, it’s vital to give them a well-rounded diet to ensure proper development. 

Calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, and other dairy products are vital, as are protein-rich foods such as eggs and leafy greens. 

Additionally, staying hydrated is vital to promoting muscle elasticity and reducing symptoms. If you’re looking for a more tailored diet plan, getting in touch with your doctor is an excellent option. 

Your doctor can identify the severity of your child’s disorder and recommend a diet that can help them stay as healthy as possible. 


As a parent, it’s understandable to find a cerebral palsy diagnosis challenging to deal with. However, it’s important to note that this diagnosis does not define your child’s life. 

By taking the right steps, you can ensure that your child lives a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life regardless of their circumstances. 

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