Know Pet Skin Sensitivities and How Do You Tackle Them?

Pet skin sensitivities are a common occurrence these days. They can be caused by several factors including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other parasites. If you have noticed that your pet is scratching more than usual or has patches of discolored skin then it may be suffering from one of these conditions.

Distemper Mite

Distemper mites, also known as mange mites, are a type of rat mite that can cause skin irritation in dogs and cats. The main way they spread is through direct contact with an infected animal. The mites themselves are found in the nose and mouths of infected animals. They then enter the bloodstream to be carried throughout the body.

The best way to avoid contracting this condition is by avoiding physical contact with infected pets or objects that have been in their environment (e.g., bedding). If you do come into proximity to an infected animal, it’s important to wash your hands thoroughly once you’re done playing with or caring for them.

Mange Mites

Mange mites are microscopic and live in the hair follicles. They are not worms, insects or lice. They are not related to fleas either. The most common type of mange mite is Sarcoptes scabies, which causes sarcoptic mange.

Mange is a contagious skin disease that can spread when you come into contact with an infected animal or its living environment. Other animals will also be affected by the bugs if they have a weakened immune system or if their health conditions make them more vulnerable to infection.

Humans can get mange from dogs, cats, and other pets as long as there are mites present on the pet’s body or bedding (dog beds). If left untreated for too long, it can cause serious health problems such as nerve damage and skin infections so it’s best to seek professional advice right away if you suspect your pet has been infected by these pests!

Ear Mites

Ear mites are very common in dogs, and they can be spread to other pets. Ear mites cause intense itchiness, which causes the pet to scratch their ears excessively. In some cases, this excessive scratching can lead to deafness and even a foul odor emanating from your dog’s ears due to inflammation of the skin around them.

If you suspect your dog has ear mites, you must bring them in for a medical checkup as soon as possible so that treatment can be started immediately. If left untreated or improperly treated, ear mites may cause permanent damage to your dog’s hearing and hygiene problems like fungal infections.

Staphylococcal Dermatitis

Staphylococcal dermatitis is caused by staphylococcus bacteria. This occurs when a skin infection begins on your pet’s skin, most commonly from bacteria that live on the surface of healthy animals. The symptoms can range from itchy and painful sores to redness and scratching. Staphylococcus bacteria are usually not contagious or serious, but you should still take your pet to the vet if you notice these symptoms.

If you notice any sores or other signs of Staphylococcal Dermatitis, bring your pet in for an examination by their veterinarian as soon as possible so they can diagnose your animal properly before it becomes worse!

Skin Yeast Infections

Skin yeast infections can be caused by several factors, including stress, poor diet, and immune system problems. If the skin is constantly wet or irritated (due to allergies), the fungus will have an easier time growing there and causing infection. 

Yeast infections are most common between the toes, on the ears, and around the nose. This could be because these areas are warm and moist. Therefore, it is more hospitable for fungi to grow. 

Additionally, dogs who have long hair such as poodles or other breeds require regular grooming (or even short coats if you don’t groom them regularly). It’s important to pay attention to grooming around those areas weekly. So you can catch any potential skin disease before it becomes too severe for treatments such as antifungal or antibiotics.


Allergies are caused by an immune system response to a foreign substance. The immune system is the body’s defense against infection, but when it overreacts to something harmless, like dust or pollen, you have an allergic reaction.

You may notice symptoms of allergies in your pet in several ways: itching and skin inflammation (redness), runny eyes and nose, coughing, and sneezing. Allergies can be caused by many things—foods, pollen or dust mites are among the most common culprits. However, there’s no need to panic if your dog scratches his ear now and then. It could just be irritation from an insect bite or something else entirely not related to allergies at all!

A good way to ensure that the same is not food borne is to give them something that veterinarians recommend. You can do this by short listing any dog food for sensitive skin and stomach.

Pet owners need to understand what causes these reactions. Also how they might affect their health as well as those around them who suffer from similar disorders such as hay fever or asthma triggered by pollen exposure.


Ringworm is a fungal infection that affects the top layer of your pet’s skin. It can affect any part of the body, causing circular patches to appear anywhere on your dog or cat. The fungus thrives in humid environments and may be transferred from animal to animal via direct contact or by touching contaminated surfaces such as bedding, furniture, or soil.

Ringworm can be easily identified with a magnifying glass, but you should also seek veterinary advice if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Your pet has red scaly patches on their skin
  • Small black dots appear within large patches of redness (these are called “keratin plugs”)
  • Skin feels greasy to the touch


The way to keep your pet healthy is to identify the problem, assess the severity of the condition, and provide immediate care. Treating a skin allergy can be challenging, but if you act quickly, it can be resolved in no time. However, most skincare issues will require a visit to the vet to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

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