Instant Vacations To Reset Your Mind

There are times when people need a moment to just walk away and reset. Whether it’s the constant nagging of your in-laws or the building stress of your job, walking away and clearing your head can be an opportunity to not only give you time to sort things out in your mind, but also to help you see things in new perspectives. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to go on a trip. While you may think of vacations as times and destinations that are planned months in advance, they are that; but, they can also be a spur-of-the-moment relaunch for moments that are piling on too quickly. Basically, you need a moment to slow down.

If you think you might need a quick getaway, you’re probably right. Here are 5 destinations that allow little planning and pack lots of moments for refreshing your mind.

1. Get on a Boat

You can sign up for most cruises with just a few days’ notice. Check out 5-day cruises that offer amazing views, rich cuisine, and plenty of cultural fun. The best part of a cruise is you don’t have to do any of the planning or driving. You get on a boat and let the amazing and accommodating staff do the rest.

Kick back and enjoy a colorful umbrella drink under the sun, and plan to explore various ports that will introduce you to new cities and the interesting people who inhabit them. When you go on a cruise, you definitely come back with a new perspective on life.

2. Route 66

Have you ever just gotten in a car and kept driving? It’s actually a fantastic idea. Pack a small suitcase first of toiletries and a few changes of clothes. Don’t forget your sunglasses.

Millions of people explore Route 66 every year. Originally built to shorten the distance between Chicago and Los Angeles, it’s a part of the American spirit of exploration and innovation. Along the way, many popular destinations popped up in its path. You never know what you might find when you travel Route 66.

3. New York City

Instead of hopping in a car and driving, you could jump on a plane and start flying–straight into New York City. There’s nothing New York City doesn’t have. Home to a plethora of professional sports teams, multiple opera houses, at least 83 museums, and five boroughs all uniquely New York but for different reasons, there’s not a chance you’ll ever get bored in New York City.

If you’ve never been, you’ll want to travel the city like a true New Yorker. Skip the cabs and get your transit card for the subways. In New York, there are plenty of sidewalks and subways to get you where you need to go. Don’t forget to visit the beach at Coney Island.

4. Homer, Alaska

There’s no better place to reset your mind than Homer, Alaska. There’s no need to pack anything fancy because Homer is a small town with easy-going people. Just traveling Alaska and seeing the beautiful Kenai River and the walls of enormous white glaciers can give you a new lease on life, but living a few days or weeks at the pace of the people of Homer will make you feel like you’ve come home.

Local artists and fishermen make up the bulk of people you’ll find along the Homer Spit. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch sight of the eagles nesting during the day, but if you’re even luckier, be prepared for the awe that will overcome you when you become mesmerized by the Aurora Borealis at night.

If you’ve hit a rock in life and feel like you’ve become stuck, the good news is you haven’t. You simply need a change in scenery. Visit one of the amazing places on this list, or make your own discovery. You can be sure that taking a wonderful trip will be something you’ll appreciate for the rest of your life. And if you ever come across that rock again, remember, you always have somewhere else you can go.


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