3 unique types of treatment methods that you can use during alcohol recovery to get clean

Recovering from alcohol addiction can be very hard and it sometimes takes people many separate tries to get clean and finally stay clean.

Moreover, the simple truth is that one form of treatment does not always work for other people, and you need to find which form of treatment works most specifically for you. 

To help you on your path to alcohol recovery, we thought that we would break down 3 unique types of treatment methods that people utilize and succeed with when they are looking to get clean from alcohol and remain clean long after the treatment officially comes to an end.

Let’s get started! 

See a counselor or therapist

One of the simplest ways that people can seek alcohol treatment is to find a trained counselor or therapist who works specifically with alcohol addicts to try and uncover the reason why they drink and what they can do to avoid drinking and relapse when they try to get sober. So where to find them? There’re plenty of ways one of them is reaching out to professional treatment centers like The Forge Recovery Center.

Sometimes, the root causes of alcohol abuse have to do with people trying to ease the mental or physical pain that comes from their daily lives. If the addiction is extreme, it may not be realistic to think that this will be the only kind of treatment you need, but if you think you can manage and end your addiction with therapy alone, this is a great way to go! 

Outpatient treatment 

The next level of unique treatment for alcohol addiction is known as outpatient treatment. What this means is that you are living in your own home and able to continue working, going to school, etc. while also seeking treatment from professional rehab clinicians. You will visit your doctor or health provider for the day. While this can be very helpful, it also does not necessarily remove you from the triggers in daily life that may have led you to alcohol addiction in the first place. This is something important to keep in mind.

Inpatient treatment

The final treatment method that we will go over is inpatient treatment. Essentially, inpatient treatment will remove the addict from his or her daily life so they are living at a treatment facility. This means that they will get around-the-clock treatment if necessary. It also means that they will be removed from any triggering people or circumstances in their daily lives, something that they will not get from the first two options we discussed.

What is important to consider about inpatient treatment is that once that treatment comes to an end, you will have to be prepared to re-enter your previous life with tools and strategies that you can call upon to avoid and overcome triggers when they arise so that you do not relapse when you do finally get out of your inpatient treatment center.


Now that you have some ideas of the treatment options available to you, you can make a decision about what option is best for you! 

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