How to Stay Sober After Leaving Rehab

Getting sober is the gateway to a better, more fulfilling life. But it isn’t always easy.

In fact, getting sober—and staying sober—is often extremely exhausting, both physically and emotionally. But on the other side of the challenges of sobriety are improved relationships, more career opportunities, and deeper happiness and appreciation.

If you’re looking for ways to stay sober after kicking addiction, read on for a few essential tips.

Find a Support System

The people in your life can make or break your sobriety. And if you’ve recently decided you’re done with substance abuse for good, you must choose your relationships wisely.

Though it may be hard, cut out people who encourage or trigger you to use. In their place, surround yourself with other sober, healthy-minded people who are there to help you.

Consider an outpatient rehab program at a drug rehab center in South Florida or recovery supportive housing. That way, you’re constantly surrounded by others with similar goals for sobriety, and you won’t be as tempted to hang out with a bad crowd.

Learn Self-Care Strategies

Drugs and alcohol are often used to cope with life’s difficulties. And the truth is, even after getting sober, life will have its hard times.

Instead of falling back into drug addiction, learn new healthy and productive self-care habits. This could be exercising, cooking, gardening, or taking up art.

Find a hobby or activity that comforts you, without involving harmful substances.

Begin Therapy

Many people find that a therapist or mental health professional is vital to their sobriety. Talking to a trained professional allows them to work through past trauma and the roots of their addiction so they can finally overcome it for good.

If you want to stay sober, consider finding a therapist who can help. If you’re concerned about the cost of therapy, ask your insurance company if any therapists are in your network, or contact local organizations who can pair you with a free or low-cost therapist.

And though it may not be as effective as working with a therapist, self-help books and resources can also be a useful first step if you’re hesitant to begin therapy.

Look to the Future

Sobriety offers a chance at a renewed life, so now’s your chance to start creating goals and dreaming up a new future.

It’s okay if, at first, you’re just looking to survive one day at a time. But when you feel ready and comfortable, think of the future you’d like to have and what changes you might need to make to help you get there.

Practice Self-Forgiveness

Some estimates suggest that over half of addicts relapse within their first year of sobriety. It’s important to remember, then, that mistakes may happen, and it’s best to forgive yourself and try again.

You don’t have to be perfect to get sober. Be patient with yourself, and practice self-compassion.

Get Sober and Stay Sober

If you’re taking the first steps towards sobriety, you should be proud of yourself. And in order to stay sober, prepare yourself for some necessary life changes, such as changing your friend group and setting new goals, to help you stay on track and live the life you deserve.

For more healthy living tips, read our other health articles!


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