Hiring a Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer: Mistakes to Avoid

Domestic violence allegations can be grave. Even the slightest accusation can negatively impact your reputation, place your job at risk, and your everyday life in general. The best way to protect yourself from the severe consequences is by hiring a trustworthy domestic violence defense lawyer to represent you and negotiate a settlement. However, there are several mistakes that most clients make when seeking representation. The mistakes can be expensive and can interfere with various aspects of the case. Check out this post to learn about the mistakes you should avoid when picking a domestic violence lawyer.

Not Doing Your Research

Being accused of domestic violence can tempt you to hire the first lawyer your find. Regardless of the extent of the allegations, it is important to do some research before picking a lawyer to handle your case. You can do this by asking around for referrals, reading online reviews, and meeting your lawyer before hiring them. It helps to know who will be working for you and what they bring to the table.

Not Checking the Lawyer’s Expertise

Domestic violence cases are pretty complicated, and hiring an amateur will only make you lose your case. That is why you need to focus on finding a lawyer with the right training and extensive experience in this field. A good lawyer should exclusively work on domestic violence cases and should have at least five years of experience. This means that they understand the complexities of these cases and how to sidestep potential challenges. An experienced lawyer also understands all aspects of the courtroom and the best techniques to win cases.

Not Reviewing Fees Ahead of Time

One of the common mistakes clients make when hiring a domestic violence defense lawyer is starting on their case with understanding their fee structure. Before hiring a lawyer, you should make sure to understand the charges involved and how they will charge you. Some lawyers charge on a contingency basis, while others have hourly rates. A good lawyer will make sure you understand how they set up their pay structure. Further, you can draft a fee agreement to avoid misunderstandings in the long run.


Besides reviewing the fees, make sure that you are not hiring the attorney only based on price. A lawyer might offer you a good deal, but they might not have what it takes to handle your case. Therefore, hire a lawyer with a reasonable price but equipped to provide the best legal representation.

Not Meeting the Lawyer in Person

It might be a hassle to meet your lawyer in person, but it is the ideal way to ensure that you are hiring the best person for the job. When meeting the lawyer, you can better picture whether they are the right fit for you. You also get the chance to inquire about their training and expertise levels and the lawyer’s opinion on your case.



Hiring the right domestic abuse defense lawyer can make a significant difference in winning your case. Therefore, take some time to research and weigh the available options. If you are looking to hire a domestic violence lawyer in Washington, Marshall Defense Firm is the one-stop solution. Call us today to book an appointment.


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