CureMD vs MDoffice: A Comparison of Electronic Medical Records-Technology

If you’re about to consider purchasing an EMR system, these two EMR systems should definitely be on your list of possible choices. The first is called CureMD EMR and the second is called MD office EMR.

CureMD Features 

Electronic Health Records

CureMD’s EHR is designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized practices. Our solution is secure and HIPAA compliant and can be deployed locally or hosted in the cloud.

Practice Management

With CureMD, you can manage your practice from anywhere, anytime. You have access to your patient information at all times, so you can make decisions based on real data.

Medical Billing Services 

CureMD offers medical billing services to both providers and payers. It allows you to process claims in real-time, with no need for manual intervention. It also provides you with detailed reports on your daily revenue and expenses, so that you can run your practice more efficiently.

Vaccine Management System (VMS)

This service allows you to track patient vaccination records and make sure that they receive their vaccines on time. It also gives you access to real-time data on which vaccines are due and when patients need them next. You can use this information to schedule appointments for patients who need vaccinations or send reminder emails about upcoming appointments.

Patient Portal

CureMD’s patient portal gives patients access to their medical records from any device. It also provides tools for scheduling appointments with their doctor, communicating with their doctor’s office staff and other providers, paying bills online, and more. With this portal, patients can be more engaged in their own health care because they have access to information about their own health status at any time or place.

Care Management Platform

This platform allows physicians to easily manage complex cases by providing visibility into each patient’s progress against specific goals or benchmarks. This allows physicians to quickly identify patients who may need additional care or intervention while allowing them to spend more time focused on patients who are doing well.

CureMD EMR Reviews: What Users Say About CureMD

Reviewers on CureMD’s website share their experience with the system, including what they like and dislike about it. Some reviewers mention that CureMD has made it easier for them to manage their practice, while others complain about bugs or poor customer service.

MDoffice Features

Patient Registration

Patients can register themselves with the platform by uploading their documents, filling out a few fields, and paying a small fee.

A patient management dashboard shows doctors all the patients they are responsible for. It also shows pending payments, overdue bills, late payments, and other financial notifications.

The dashboard provides all the relevant information about each patient, including their demographics and insurance information. Doctors can add notes, comments, or other information to any patient record.

Schedule Management

Doctors create schedules for themselves and their staff members. The scheduler automatically sends out reminders to staff members about upcoming appointments. Patients can view their own schedules online at any time. Doctors can also view patient schedules online at any time so that they know when people are coming in for appointments.

Claims Management

Claims management is one of the most important aspects of a healthcare provider’s operations. Claims are the primary source of revenue for your business, so it’s crucial that you have a system that can manage them efficiently and effectively. Our practice management software offers comprehensive claims management capabilities to help you manage every aspect of your claims process. From patient eligibility checks to claim filing and payment, our platform offers everything you need to ensure that your patients get the care they need.

Bill/Invoice Management

Bill/invoice management is another critical function that our practice management software performs with ease. Our platform provides a number of features that allow you to create professional bills and invoices quickly and easily. You can even configure separate bills for different types of patients so that each group receives the appropriate documentation based on their specific insurance coverage or other factors (e.g., billing by credit card).


Collections are a way to collect payments and manage your accounts receivable. You can create collections for any patient that owes a balance and set the terms of the payment. You’ll get notifications when a patient makes a payment, and you can view their current balance on the Collection tab in the Patient Overview.

In addition to collecting money from patients, you can also receive payments from insurance companies using our insurance billing solution. This allows you to have more flexibility in how you receive payments from patients, as well as provides the ability to track insurance payments more accurately.

Robust Report

The Reports tool provides access to hundreds of reports for your office’s financial information. The report builder makes it easy for users without prior experience to build powerful reports without needing to know SQL or any other programming language. These reports can be exported into Excel or PDF format for easy sharing with colleagues or external parties such as investors or regulators

MDoffice EMR Reviews: What Users Say About MDoffice

It’s very easy to use — This was a common sentiment among those who left their review online. Many users said they found the software intuitive right off the bat, even if they had little experience using other EMR solutions before

CureMD pricing vs MDoffice EMR pricing

CureMD Cost            

CureMD EHR Demo version is not available while their pricing information is not available on website.

MDoffice EMR Cost

MDoffice EMR Demo version is not available and their pricing information is not available on their website. 


In the end, it’s entirely up to you which one is the best fit for your situation, but we’ll give our two cents. We think that MDoffice is a good option for smaller practices and offices, whereas CureMD is better for mid-sized practices or those that are just looking to dip their toe into an EMR system. Both EMRs have a lot of great features, but they’re geared toward different situations.


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