Common Aspects of Family Law Your Attorney May Focus On

When it comes to family law, there are many different aspects that your attorney may focus on. Each situation is unique, and therefore each family law case will be handled differently. However, there are some general things that you can expect your attorney to focus on.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common aspects of family law that family lawyers may focus on. Keep in mind that every case is different, so this list is not exhaustive.

Child Custody

If you are going through a divorce or legal separation, your attorney will likely focus on child custody arrangements. This includes making sure that both parents have equal parenting time, if possible. In some cases, one parent may have primary physical custody while the other parent has primary legal custody. It is important to discuss your custodial arrangement with your attorney so that they can best represent you in court.

Child Support

Another common aspect of family law is child support. If you are divorcing or separating from your spouse, you may be required to pay child support. Child support is, of course, typically paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent. The amount of child support that you will be required to pay is based on a number of factors, including your income, the number of children you have and the custody arrangement.


Alimony, also known as spousal support, is another common aspect of family law. If you are divorcing or separating from your spouse, you may be required to pay alimony. Alimony is the amount paid by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse. The amount of alimony that you will be required to pay is based on a number of factors, including your income, your spouse’s income, the length of your marriage and each spouse’s earning potential.

Property Division

If you are divorcing or separating from your spouse, you will likely have to divide your property between the two of you. This includes both assets and debts. Property division can be a complex process, so it is important to discuss it with your attorney.

Restraining Orders

Restraining orders are another common aspect of family law. If you’re a domestic violence victim, you’re allowed to seek a restraining order against your abuser. A restraining order is a court order that prohibits the abuser from contacting or going near the victim. Depending on the situation, restraining orders can either be temporary or permanent. 

Child Adoption

Child adoption is another common aspect of family law. If you are interested in adopting a child, you will need to work with an attorney who specialises in adoption law. The process of adoption can get really complex, so it’s advisable that you have an experienced attorney by your side.


Surrogacy is another common aspect of family law. If you are unable to have children on your own, you may consider surrogacy. With surrogacy, another woman carries and gives birth to a child for you. The surrogate mother then gives the child to you after he or she is born. 


Divorce is one of the most common aspects of family law, and is also one of the most emotionally taxing to everyone involved. If you are interested in terminating your marriage, you will need to work with an attorney who specialises in divorce law. 

Child Protective Orders

If you are concerned about your child’s safety, you may seek a child protective order. A child protective order is a court order that requires the other parent to take certain actions, such as attending counselling or drug testing. Child protective orders can be temporary or permanent, depending on the situation.

As you can see, there are many different aspects of family law that your attorney may focus on. If you have any questions about these or other aspects of family law, be sure to ask your attorney. They will be able to help you understand the laws that apply to your specific situation.


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