3 Simple Ways to Dry Your Wet Carpet

Whether it’s a water accident, a spilled drink, or a pet accident, a wet carpet always equals chaos. For example, wet carpets can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew, so it’s crucial to dry them as soon as possible.

Here are three simple tips for drying out wet carpet.

1. Remove excess water with rags

Grab as many towels as you can and soak up as much water as possible from the affected area, especially near edges and corners that don’t absorb water quickly or thoroughly on their own. Use a blotting motion with the towels to prevent smearing the spilled liquid around and damaging your carpet further. Once excess moisture is removed, place additional towels over the wet area to protect it while waiting for the flooring to dry. As an added precaution, put plastic underneath to avoid dealing with any residual moisture later.

You can also use a wet/dry vacuum to remove excess water

around the affected area; keep the setting on low, or else you risk damaging your carpet fibers.

2. Add more absorbency with paper towels or a floor mat

Paper towels or a plush doormat over the wet area overnight can draw out any remaining moisture. Just turn it frequently so that one side doesn’t become overly saturated with water while the other remains comparatively dry. If possible, switch out the dampened towels or mat for dry ones every few hours until both have absorbed as much of the liquid as possible.

In addition, you can place a fan near the affected area to help speed up the drying process, though it will take some time.

If your rug is leather or suede and more than just slightly damp, don’t try using paper towels. Instead, allow it to first air dry on its own and then, if necessary, use a small hand-held vacuum for any leftover moisture. Again, placing plastic underneath may be helpful, as well as sprinkling with some corn starch so that the carpet doesn’t stick to itself when trying to re-fluff it later on.

3. Allow Airflow to do the rest

The longer you leave moisture sitting on your carpet, the greater its chance of becoming moldy or mildew. For this reason, it’s best to allow airflow to dry your flooring as quickly as possible—ideally within 24 hours. To facilitate airflow, place fans strategically near where wetness occurred so that they can blow across the affected area in both directions. This will circulate the dryer air throughout the room and help your carpet affirmatively dry more efficiently.

After allowing enough time for airflow to work its magic, use a clean broom to sweep away any residual debris before vacuuming or steam cleaning for an extra-clean finish. After cleaning, your carpet may still feel damp to the touch, but it should be markedly drier than before.

Call in the professionals for quick, effective drying

If your carpet remains wet for three days or more, it may be time to call in the professionals from 58 Foundations. Not only will this help maintain the integrity of your carpet fibers and keep mold at bay, but it also means that you get back to living your life sooner—no more waiting around!

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